Real Estate AgencyAttorney officeAbout usMaintenance & property rental service ‘‘HVAR HOLIDAY’’
In order to go by Your daily routines, one should not worry about the condition of Your property on the island of Hvar, through this platform we offer our services of looking after.
Our team works closely with a building firm, plumbers and electricians, which means that all necessary works and repares are completed in the shortest possible time.
If you intend to rent out your property in the future, we offer the following services to renters.
Visits and detailed inspections of the property, inside and outside
Airing the property 2x/month
Extra inspections of the property for potential damage, for instance after extreme weather
Checking that the kitchen and other household appliances (white goods) are in working order
Maintenance of the water systems (prevention of limescale and unpleasant odours)
Emptying the post-box and forwarding mail to the owner 2 x/ month
Reading the water and electricity meters for the suppliers' billing procedures
Minor repairs
Periodic cleaning
General cleaning once a year
Video or photo report
Safeguarding the keys to the property in a secure safe

EXTRA SERVICES (charged separately according to the offer):
When necessary, implementing measures for insect and mouse control
Organisation of necessary repair works in the case of breakdown of any of the household appliances
General cleaning on demand
Maintenance of any outdoor area

Guideline prices for the various categories of services start from €150 to €200 per month (including PDV), depending on the frequency of visits, the number and type of individual services, the size of the house or apartment, on your specific needs and agreement where appropriate with any co-owners in the property, we can undertake further maintenance works, for instance if you want routine care of outside areas through the year, and if so, if you want to include planting of various kinds of plant within the scope of the agreed works.
So, the actual price is agreed individually with property owners in accordance with their specific requirements.
You can contact us directly with any queries or to discuss details, we're open for any of your suggestions.
We look forward with pleasure to a successful collaboration!
Katarina Lučić-Lavčević
Obrt za usluge "Hvar Holiday"
Jelsa 565, 21465 Jelsa
GSM: 00385-91-921-9899
Welcome to the website for “ŽELJA d.o.o.”. We are a property agency offering a wide range of sales and services, covering every aspect of buying, renovating and selling properties.
Our website is designed to introduce you to our range of services. In business for over 15 years, Želja d.o.o. has gained the trust of local and foreign clients alike. The best advertisements for our work are the recommendations of our satisfied buyers and sellers. We are praised for our personalized choices of property for each buyer, the speed with which we fulfil the legal procedures, and the quality of the surveying, architectural and building services which we offer according to our buyers’ individual requirements. With our expert team from Hvar and all over Croatia, we can carry out all renovation services, including big projects, and we can organize the necessary building permits in the shortest possible time.
To see an example of our work, visit:
Our property lawyer Mate Hraste ensures that we can obtain accurate information on the status of each property in the Land Registry, Cadaster and Planning Zone, and can offer legal advice as well as completing sales contracts. We also help buyers with the procedures for paying the property purchase tax and registering for utility services. Of course our buyers can choose to engage their own lawyer if they so wish.
In addition, we offer accounting services, tax advice, assistance with registering foreign and local business companies, as well as advice and support for clients who wish to rent out their properties. For our foreign partners we can provide translations of all the necessary documents into English, German, French, Italian and Spanish.
Our primary aims are to safeguard the interests of our buyers and sellers, to advise and represent our clients properly, and to build up a relationship of trust.
With our extensive team we offer the best possible choice of properties around the whole of Hvar Island, most of which you can see on these pages.
If you need our services, contact us with confidence!
Kao najstarija agencija za nekretnine na otoku Hvaru, raspolažemo širokom ponudom stanova, obiteljskih kuća, vila, poslovnih prostora, poljoprivrednih površina i zemljišta za komercijalne namjene.
Pružamo kompletnu uslugu posredovanja u prodaji, od prezentacije, pripreme dokumentacije, savjetodavne podrške, do uknjižbe prava vlasništva.
U sklopu agencije nudimo geodetske usluge, izvođenje građevinskih i završnih radova, te usluge održavanja. Iznajmljivanje privatnog smještaja
tel/faks: +385(0)21 717 914
+385 (0) 91 1499 990 Katarina Bunčuga
+385 (0) 91 5177 741 Željana Hraste
+ 385 (0) 98 371 551 Mate Hraste
Providing legal services and advice, civil law, enforceable law, labor law, criminal law and land registry law.
Mobile: 099 216 52 43
Real Estate Agency
Želja d.o.o.
Licensed agency
Croatian Chamber of Economy
Phone: +385 21 717914
Mob: +385 (0) 91 1499 990
Mob: +385 (0) 91 5177 741
Fax: +385 21 717914
Croatian Real Estate
Best buy
We specialize in sales, leasing and property management of downtown lofts and condos and are committed to finding a perfect fit for your real estate needs.
Croatia has much to offer the property purchaser, including an enormous variety of landscapes, a wide choice of cities, towns and villages, a great climate and wonderful beaches.
We have a wide range of advisory services available. Mostly we deal with the activites that your lawyer doesn’t take care of, for example, chasing Ministry for approvals or to find out your status regarding ...
ŽELJA ltd is registered under number 104/2012 of Real Estate Agencies Registar in the Ministry of Economy of Croatia, at Chamber of Commerce of Croatia.